The Internet can contains a wealth of useful resources that provide information, advice, support and guidance. Many of the organisations listed here have dedicated areas on their websites for young people to access support and guidance directly, as well as resources for parents, carers and professionals.
If you or someone you know is at immediate risk of harm, contact your GP or Social Services during working hours.
Out of Hours, contact Accident & Emergency or the Police.

Beat has a directory of services for people with eating disorders including online support groups

Beat bullying: website for young people with access to online counsellors

The blurt foundation offers advice, resources and links for people living with depression

The Breck Foundation campaigns for a safer internet for all children and young people – whether they are gaming, communicating on social media, using apps or taking part in any other internet-based activity.
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans* (LGBT) Domestic Violence Helpline provides confidential support to all members of the LGBT communities, their family, friends, and agencies supporting them.

Calm offers support to men of all ages via their helpline and website

Childline: advice and access to counsellors for young people in distress

The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) provides advice for parents & young people about sexual abuse Childline: advice and access to counsellors for young people in distress

Counselling directory provides counselling advice and information

Carers UK offers advice, information and support to carers of all ages

Digiducks big decision: guide to safer internet use for younger children

Digizen: website for young
people 11+ who are being bullied

Harmless provides email and postal self help support to people who self-harm

I’m Alive is an online crisis intervention service that uses
instant messaging to respond to people in crisis

Internet watch foundation: to report indecent or obscene content online
Free, safe and anonymous online support for young people
Confidential Help For Male Victims of Domestic Abuse

Mermaids is a charity for young people who are transgender offering self-help, support and links to them and their families

Mind offers information, support, resources and training on all things related to mental health
The National Centre for Domestic Violence provides a free, fast emergency injunction service to survivors of domestic violence regardless of their financial circumstances, race, gender or sexual orientation.

NSPCC provides confidential advice and guidance about issues to do with the safety of children

Papyrus is a national charity for the prevention of young suicide, offering advice and support to young people, parents and carers
Hopeline – 0800 068 4141
Our aim is to support all male and female survivors of rape and sexual abuse in Surrey and the surrounding areas.

Samaritans offers confidential support 24 hours a day with no waiting lists or assessments
116 123 Free call line

SelfharmUK supports young people affected by self-harm, and provides a safe space to talk and ask questions
Free confidential support for the victims of
Rape or Serious Sexual Assault in Surrey
0800 970 9952

Online relationships: advice and guidance about online relationships, digital boundaries, harassment and sexting aimed at adolescents

Thinkuknow offers guidance and advice about keeping yourself (or your child) safe online with sections for children 5+ and adolescents, parents, and professionals

Uomini – Support for Male Victims of Domestic Abuse

Young minds is a one-stop stop for child and adolescent mental health, offering support, training and resources

Young healthy minds offers one-to-one and group counselling and therapeutic support